Sunday, January 28, 2007

Chad Jordan




My Space

Express yourself, are some of the best words that I can use to explain the my space website. This website lets you express whatever you want to any way you want about yourself. Know this is a web site that I believe that we all are familiar with, now how familiar thats all you pimppin. I believe this web sites is probably the easiest and quickest way to get to know someone. We could probably all see this coming but I will tell you what I am sure glad that they have created this website. I believe this website leaves a lot of possibilities and opportunity for people. Communication in this world is as just as about important as the rest of your senses-your eyes, ears, nose and last possible least your mouth. The advanced ways that we communicate know days does make this a more proficient and efficient society-not to mention the vast opportunities and possibilities that this leaves us with I look forward to the beautiful things to come from communication in our society.

My space is the on the forefront of a our communication these days and it is dominating. This is more the an industry to me I believe this is just the beginning of human beings evolving our communication into something that is as that is infinitely a more proficient way of communication. Right know my space stands alone for websites allowing people to express them selves. Expression is a crucial part of communication which could determine if you communicate what you would like to at all. My space is a web site that is doing a lot for mankind right know. The fantastic thing about it is that this website represents what our society is all about which is freedom to do what ever you want to do. It is imperative that people understand the importance of the process to communication.

The freedom of this web site is what makes it what it is, more then the design of the website. Speaking of the web site which is a ease to navigate they have all the different subjects you would like to communicate in at the top of the web page, and this goes without mentioning all of the different links that make so easy to go where you want to go do what you want to do and say what you want to say. Back to the freedom which can never be enough freedom, the freedom to let go of anything that could be restricting you from growing and peaking into the person you are, if there is anything that is restricting you. This is the freedom that I can not stress enough that is what people need to grow, there might not be anything healthier for a person then freedom.

This web site has advanced from rather quickly from a quick growing communication phase that has just began and has plenty of more growing to go. It is going to be interesting helping out communication unfold into a beautiful paradox that will continue to change the way we live. For know continue to express yourself grow, and continue to grow thorough expression, only when it is all said and done we can be glad that we have expressed ourselves. Find your own space then grow.


Genevieve Marquez said...

I couldn't agree with you more; freedom is something that made Myspace flurish. I think that by having the abiltiy to create , design, and post whatever you want on the site ( like you said) is exactly the key points of Myspace. I was also very impressed with your view on communication. I loved how you said communication in this world is just as important as our five senses. So True. Good Job!

davidkk said...
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davidkk said...

My favorite part in your writing is when you said "...a web site that I believe that we all are familiar with, now how familiar thats all you pimppin.". PUhahahha you definitely caught my attention. Reading through your stuff, there are a lot of points that I can definitely relate to you on. Stuff like your emphasis on freedom of expression. i did my writing on youtube, because of its freedom and convenience of expression. Keep up with you writing dawg. I'll look forward to it.

